Beware and Prepare: The Government Workforce of the Future

The predicted crisis results from changing worker beliefs, and wavering workplace values, coupled with striking demographics that will alter the face of the government workforce.  The time is now for government agencies, small and large, rural and urban, to begin analyzing and preparing for the future.  This article will discuss some of the most critical issues facing government workforce planners, offering strategies for addressing the issues and for adapting to the new beliefs within traditional civil service systems.


Changing Workplace Attitudes

More and more employees view their relationship 속초오피 differently than their counterparts did thirty years ago.  Many describe themselves as either “renters” or “owners,” terms that create vivid distinctions in the permanency of the work relationship. Changed perspectives on the employment relationship have led to new expectations of what the employer is supposed to provide in terms of extrinsic and intrinsic benefits.  Much has been written about these forces in the work environment.  The following four trends have reshaped the employment contract and are forcing public sector employers to reexamine traditional employment practices:

Trend #1:  Shorter Career Lifecycles

Traditional career management programs teach that the career lifecycle is a linear process.  Typically workers begin their careers in the exploration phase, learning the skills necessary to be successful in the work world.  Then they move to stage two where they are expected to be more productive as they become proficient at their trade or skill.  Maintenance comes next, where workers either become stable in their work, more productive, or less productive.  Finally, employees are expected to hit the final stage of their career, in their mid to late 50s, when the individual either chooses full-time or partial retirement.[i]


For government employers, this typical career path has been made even more certain by predictable pension programs and loyal workers.  However, the current economy and an increase in independent thinking among younger workers challenges the linear career path premise.